Hortatory Text M. Dzakki Abdullah
Tiktok by Dzakki Abdullah Tiktok is an application that is being viral in the community. Not only played by teenagers but also played by parents. Tiktok is an application that can make someone feel entertained and happy Tiktok has a negative impact on its users, users of tiktok will tend to imitate self-injurious acts performed by tiktok artists Tiktok users can spend too much time, and as a result not a few of those who forget the obligation to God The negative impact of using tiktok is for small children. The parents even allow their young children to play tiktok. The use of handphone for young children is very dangerous, because it will get high radiation rays from the handphone. Tiktok users must be able to manage their cellphone playing time and obligations to God. And also the role of parents in supervising children is very necessary