
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hortatory Text M. Dzakki Abdullah

Tiktok by Dzakki Abdullah Tiktok is an application that is being viral in the community. Not only played by teenagers but also played by parents. Tiktok is an application that can make someone feel entertained and happy Tiktok has a negative impact on its users, users of tiktok will tend to imitate self-injurious acts performed by tiktok artists Tiktok users can spend too much time, and as a result not a few of those who forget the obligation to God The negative impact of using tiktok is for small children. The parents even allow their young children to play tiktok. The use of handphone for young children is very dangerous, because it will get high radiation rays from the handphone. Tiktok users must be able to manage their cellphone playing time and obligations to God. And also the role of parents in supervising children is very necessary

Hortatory Text Shalima Abela Diba

TikTok by Shalima Abela Diba    Tiktok is a social network and Chinese music video platform that was launched in September 2016 by Zhang Yiming, founder of Toutiao.  The application allows users to make their own short music videos.     First, application to express creativity especially in making videos, Tik Tok application itself is a platform to make videos with special and unique effects easily.  And then Tik Tok also presents a variety of music for the background video, so users can create more interesting videos.As one of the applications that can encourage one's creativity in making a work.    But, Indirectly tiktok is the cause of the generation of teenagers to love to shake, if you are someone who is often active on Instagram, surely you will find some netizens with various videos made using this tiktok application.  There more ordinary, and some extraordinary, extraordinary outrageous.  There are ...

Hortatory Text Berliana Dewinta Martin

Get to know corona virus By: Berliana Dewinta     This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia.      Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system.  In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu.  However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia), Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Symptoms of Corona Virus      Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can cause sufferers to experience flu symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache;  or symptoms of severe respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding,...

Hortatory Text Mutiara Rahma Fadhila

Benefits of TikTok by Mutiara Rahma Fadhila Tiktok is an application on mobile phones that is much loved by the people of Indonesia and even in the world. the application is used by recording themselves or other people with the creations of each person, for example dancing. even in this application there are many interesting challenges. This application is used by all people ranging from children to adults, public figures to ordinary people. Tiktok can give its users the benefits of entertainment and to refresh a tired brain working all day. In addition to entertaining oneself, it can also entertain those around us. Tiktok can be entertainment but must be used in the right manner and in a proper policy. Besides this application to make short videos is also equipped with enough music support so that users can make short videos accompanied by dance, free style and much more. This can encourage someone's creativity to make short videos as good as possible and attract the atte...

Hortatory Text Maisaroh Thamrin

Game Online by Maisaroh Thamrin Online game is a game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available. Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first-person shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. There are many negative effects of too much playing the online game. In this modern era with the highly sophisticated technologies, people especially children extremely like playing the online games. They can play the game through ipad, computer, smartphone and many other technologies by connecting the game to the internet. Too much playing online games has negative impacts for the player. The World Health Organization (WHO) will claimed addicted to the game as mental disorder. Based on the 11th International Classified Disease (ICD) do...

Hortatory Text Ivo Tri Septiana

Game online by Ivo Tri Septiana In this era of globalization with the advance of the age of many children and adult playing online,theyhave wasted time just playing online games even the parents do not care for their  children because excited about playing The first:online game the children have spent their time or wasted their time The second:kids had spent all their money in the cafetaria to buy packages for online games and to buy up their parents money The third:eyes of children now only seven years of age used their glasses because of the constant exposure to online games and hourse are bad for heality The aduce for that is that parents should keep a close watch on their children with mobile phone.

Hortatory Text Adelia Nurul Maghfira

How to protect your family and your self from the corona virus by Adelia Nurul Maghfira Corona virus is a virus that spread from Wuhan, China. This virus has spread to almost all of the countries in the world, including Indonesia. According to the WHO official website, the virus which has the official name COVID-19 has common signs of infection, such as respiratory symptoms, fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.  In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia (wet lungs), acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and more severe causes of death.  We must remind the people about the spread of the virus that is very fast to spread.  Therefore it is important to take preventative measures. What are the preventative steps? 1. Social Distancing  First, start to maintain physical distance from other people, at least 6 feet or 2 meters.  2. Wash Your Hands and Don't Touch the Face  Begin to learn not to touch your face too often.  ...

Hortatory Text Muhammad Iqbal

  Why we should social distancing by Muhammad Iqbal     Social distancing in the nowdays has important. It is includes several measures to slow down the spread of covid-19 to prevent hospital from becoming overwhelmed with sick individual.     Social distancing isvthe easiest way we can do to slow down and prevent rather than spread from covid-19. At least more than 593.656 people on the world have been infected by covid-19. And 27.215 people die because covid-19. Because covid-19 ia spread from person to person thought physically close social contacts,the best way to prevention we have right now is to keep people from being in close contact as much as possible.     If we do social distancing,we can help government to fight conflict covid-19. And still stay at home is procedure to do social distancing. Social distancing is a responsibility that individuals take on to make sure they are not the vector of disease and to brea...

Hortatory Text Elang Al Majid

People Should Keep the Social Distancing by Elang Al Majid     Social distancing is a way to stop the spread of coronavirus disease or COVID-19. Coronavirus is a deathly virus. It has been killed 37 thousands people in the world. So its important to keep social distancing to stop the spread of coronavirus.     The first reason why we should keep social distancing because coronavirus spread by our body’s liquid. It can spread by using the same eat tools or saliva splash. So if we keep social distancing we will keep our distance from others and we can prevent the spread of coronavirus. And the second reason because we have gadgets like smartphone and internet, with internet and our gadgets we still can work from home. So even if we keep the social distancing and just stay at home, we can do our routinity without loses anything.     That is the reasons why we should keep the social distancing. For those reasons, it’s better to keep our...

Hortatory Text Anesya Fitri

People Should keep social distance by Anesya Fitri Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death. This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia One of the steps in preventing and controlling this Corona virus infection is the government implementing Social Distance. Social distance is a series of measures to control non-pharmaceutical infections intended to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. The purpose of social restrictions is to reduce the possibility of contact between infected people and other people who are not infected, so as to minimize transmissi...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Anesya Fitri

'How to protect your family and your self from Corona virus' by Anesya Fitri The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) that started in Wuhan late last year has now spread to many countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated COVID-19 as a pandemic because this disease has spread to more than half of the world's countries. The Indonesian government's corona virus monitoring site notes, COVID-19 has spread to 182 countries, including Indonesia with a total of 369 corona virus positive patients as of March 20, 2010. While in the world, there are currently 250,618 patients infected with the corona virus, with the number of deaths reaching more than 10,000 people. Given the widespread spread of the disease, you need to know how to maintain a healthy body when the corona Covid-19 virus spreads out so it is not infected. Corona virus can also spread indirectly through objects contaminated by viruses due to sparks or touches of hands contaminated with...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Amelia Zakiyah Putri

PROTECT YOURSELF from CORONA VIRUS by WASHING HAND by Amelia Zakiyah Putri    Washing hands with soap is one of the sanitary measures by cleaning the hands and fingers using water and soap by humans to be clean and break the chain of germs. Washing hands with soap is also known as an effort to prevent disease. This is done because hands are often agents that carry germs and cause pathogens to move from one person to another, either by direct contact or indirect contact using other surfaces such as towels, glasses. Hands that come into direct contact with human and animal feces , or other bodily fluids such as snot, and food / drink that is contaminated when not washed with soap can transfer bacteria, viruses, and parasites to others who are not aware that they are being transmitted.     As a result if you do not wash your hands that is shortness of breath, coughing, and inflammation of the throat is a characteristic feature of corona virus, inflamma...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus By Elang Al Majid

How to Protect Our Family and Ourselves from Coronavirus by Elang Al Majid     Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 pandemic has been declared by World Health Organization or WHO. This virus started from Wuhan and spread over the world. This virus spread by body’s liquid. So this virus can spread to over the world easily. But we can stop the spread with some steps. This is some tips to protect ourselves and our family from Coronavirus.     The first tips is wash your hands repeatedly a day. Wash your hands for a minute, so we can sure our hands is clean. Second, use hand sanitizer and face mask if you’re not at home. By using face mask we can prevent the virus through our body by mouth and noise. The next tips is keep our fitness with take some exercise and consume multivitamin, so our immunity will be increased and can fight the virus in our body.     And the last tips is stay at home. We can protect ourselves and our family from this vi...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Adelia Nurul Maghfira

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus  by Adelia Nurul Maghfira How to protect your self and your family from the corona virus Corona virus is a virus that spread from Wuhan, China. This virus has spread to almost all of the countries in the world, including Indonesia. According to the WHO official website, the virus which has the official name COVID-19 has common signs of infection, such as respiratory symptoms, fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.  In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia (wet lungs), acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and more severe causes of death.  We must remind the people about the spread of the virus that is very fast to spread.  Therefore it is important to take preventative measures. What are the preventative steps? 1. Social Distancing  First, start to maintain physical distance from other people, at least 6 feet or 2 meters.  2. Wash Your Hands and Don't Touch the Face  Begi...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Berliana Dewinta Martin

CORONA VIRUS by Berliana Dewinta Martin     Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system.  This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19.  Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.     Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans.  This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.     This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia.     Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system....

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Puji Akhiari

How to Protect Our Family and Ourselves from Coronaviruses  by Puji Akhiari The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a pandemic, and the number of cases continues to rise worldwide. The few basic steps can help you reduce your risk of getting sick or infecting others. In all about COVID-19, the most important is do not panic. With a clear head and some simple tips, you can help reduce your risk, prepare your family and do your part to protect others. First, stay home if you can. Even if you have no underlying health conditions, and no symptoms, be extra cautious to protect other people. This is called “social distancing” or “physical distancing,” and is basically a call to stand far away from other people. Experts believe the coronavirus travels through droplets, so limiting your exposure to other people is a good way to protect yourself. Second, Wash your hands. With soap. Then wash them again. Wet your hands and scrub them with soap, taking care to get be...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Mentari Sakinah Abdullah

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona  Virus by Mentari Sakinah Abdullah     Currently the world is shocked by the existence of a virus that is endemic to all corners of the country, this virus is called the corona virus or commonly called covid 19, this virus is a large family of vurus that causes disease, this virus originated in the city of Wuhan, China, it needs people who are very Fearful, uncomfortable and anxious because of the presence of this virus, because this virus can spread easily, there have been many reports of this corona virus, because the way my family and I avoid the spread of this corona virus are:     First, we must always pray to Allah SWT to always stay away and ask us from this corona virus, because what comes from Allah will return to Allah, we must do the commands and stay away from its prohibitions.     Second, we must cultivate washing hands before or after handling something or doing work...

Hortatory Text Josse Prima

Online Game for Teens by Josse Prima               Nowadays,niat teens like playing game online. They often neglect many things which are more important for their future. This is a great problem that we should solve.               Playing online game makes them spend a lot of money to pay internet service. In doing so, they often ask for more money to their parents. It also disturbs their study as they often spend so much time to play online game. As the result, they often get bad scores at school. When their friends ask for going out, they often reject it as they like being in front of computer/smartphone. This makes them not have many friends.                Therefore, this problem should get a great attention to reslove. I believe we, parents, and teachers, should...

Hortatory Text Lisa Defianti

Game Online by Lisa Defianti     Game online is a common thing nowadays.No matter kid or adult , boy or girl, everyone can play it with their phone or computer. Is there any argument which says that playing game online will not give you any benefit ?.     Playing game online might be the best way to fill your spare time during this corona virus issue. This activity will make you stay at home borelessly. So you can stop the spread of this corona virus.     Basically, game online offer you to have fun with another player without leaving your place. That mean you can build a new society with every player who has the same hobby and interest.     By playing game online some people can have their own income and give them some profit. How can ? There are many games that can make you sell some equipment that you've got. Such as weapon, rare equipment, upgrading item, etc. Other player can buy your equipment and give you mo...

Hortatory Text M. Shalino Aguna

Games Online by M. Shalino Aguna      Games online is one of the most factor to make teenagers or children go to the  online store. Many  teenagers come to games online for many hours. They waste the time just to play games online      Firstly, the children just spend their money. Because of addict of game online. They come to go online store everyday. For pay in the rent. They even don’t use their money for buying some food at school.      Secondly,  the waste of payment. Sometimes, the children don’t have money. But they want to go to game online. So, they often steal their parents money. It’s including of crime.      Finally, the problem of radiation. If we often use computer, too many radiation be accepted by our. And it causes being stupid.      Therefor, parents should watch their children while using computer. And don’t often allow the children go to online stor...

Hortatory Text Zahra Zakiyah

 Online Game by Zahra Zakiyah     Online Game is an electronic and visual based game that utilizes electronic visual media technology and is played on a network (both LAN and Internet).  In contrast to traditional games that tend to rely on the strength of the muscles of the body, online games use more the brain's ability to think and the agility of the fingers in pressing the buttons on the regulating stick. Online games are only used for fun or pleasure, but if we have finished playing it, it will be dangerous and create many bad effects.     First,the eyes become sick and red, this effect can occur if we are overdoing it in playing online games without using protectors or glasses to protect our eyes.  Moreover, the eyes can be injured and red due to radiation monitors or computers.  So, people who play online games must use contact lenses or glasses to prevent eyelids.     Secondly,lazy, this esis the effect of fea...

Hortatory Text Saskia Maharani

Tiktok by Saskia Maharani     Tiktok is an application used by almost all circles of society, from children to adults. Because this application has many benefits such as making the heart happy, using free time for brain refreshing. But also there are some bad influences that occur if we often play tiktok     First, using this application automatically we will always stare at the cell phone and if we often use the tiktok application our eyes will certainly be tired because of the radiation from our cell that cam damage vision and can make us dizzy.     Second, playing tiktok is aldo not good in our religion, especially for women, because in general playing tiktok people will dance to music that thet think is fun, then be shown to the general public. Of course it is uncomfortable in the eyes of nonmromers.     Last, there are people who abuse tiktok as an act of crime. Because social media has a very broad scope, we don’t kno...

Hortatory Text Viony Elvis

 "Game Online" by Viony Elvis     Nowadays, many people like to play online games on their mobile phones. Ranging from adults to children. They only know playing online games can make fun, relieve stress. In fact, playing online games on mobile phones has a bad effect.     Firstly, people become lazy. Both adults and children, if you are addicted to playing online games will feel lazy. Lazy to do anything, because their minds are already fixed on the online game that is on their mobile. they are lazy to learn, socialize with others, lazy to work, lazy to cook. Because they feel that online games can entertain them.     Secondly, reduced metabolism.Playing games is very minimal with physical activity. Muscles do not do physical activity, causing the body's metabolism to fall. In the long run, muscle mass will decrease, obesity, back pain, decreased immune system so that it is susceptible to disease.     Third, ey...

Hortatory Text Imalatunil Khairah

"STAYING HOME IS THE ANSWER TO STOPPING CORONA VIRUS TRANSMISSION" by Imalatunil Khairah         Corona virus is new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infacts, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Corona virus can cause disorders of respratory system, acute pneunomia until death.       Seeing the corona virus is endemic in various countries. So Indonesia people are encouraged to do social distancing. Sosial distancing is very important to combat the corona virus because the is curretly no vacane found. You must make every effort to keep as much physical distance from each other as possible. Social distancing is carried out for 14 days because this virus has an incubation time of 14 days. The best sosial distancing is to always saty at home. When many people do their activities at home, the transmission rate can be reduced ang even stopped. ...

Hortatory Text Puji Akhiari

"Why Everyone Should Stay at Home" By :  Puji Akhiari Coronaviruses  is the biggest threatment in human today. Opinion of public about COVID-19 is not different with the death. Existance of COVID-19 cause many problem from many aspect in life. Phrase “Stay at Home”, wich declarate by goverment not without reason. This pharase applicable for everyone on the world. Especially for students. First reason, the spread of COVID-19 is so fast. According information from WHO, while someone who has this disease breath or cough, them will spread this viruses through their body’s fluids. Other pepole who expose to this liquids will be has disease. In other words, this viruses spread with same way with flu. Second, Coronaviruses  resistance so strongest although in inanimate objects. According research COVID-19 can be life in a week on inanimate objects. But, a number of them inactive at temperature 30 ° C. Last, Coronaviruses  is very deadly. In few case human who contrac...

Hortatory Text Amelia Zakiyah Putri

"Game Online" by Amelia Zakiyah Putri     Game online is the popular game that many teenegers . Online games are games that can be played on a computer or laptop. Online games use internet access so it is called online     Online games are very easy to find in the community, this is influenced by the development of online game companies such as Gemscool, Garena, Netmarble, Megaxus, Lyto.dll which basically are companies in the Indonesian online game industry and have big names in Indonesia. Not infrequently at this time many teenagers who like to hang out at the cafe rather than stay at home because the games offered by these companies can be said to be exciting and interesting game games.          Online games have a positive impact on teens. Many gamers assume "what's wrong with playing games? Isn't it just normal for entertainment, right? We also need entertainment. Besides playing games can increase our conce...

Hortatory Text Mentari Sakinah Abdullah

"Game Online" by Mentari Sakinah Abdullah                Game online is something that is most loved by children,many of them spend time struggling with their smartphone and forget time,they cant even divide time between playing game online and learning time.         First,children will spend their pocket money to buy internet access so they can access game online,not infrequently there are also those who come home from school directly to online stores just to play game online.        Secondly,by playing game online the children forget about learning time because they are careless about game online so that children do not understand leraning,it will have an impact on the child value       Third,playing game online that continuously also has an impact on our vision decreases because of the radiation from smartphone and compute...