Hortatory Text Anesya Fitri

People Should keep social distance
by Anesya Fitri
Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death. This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia
One of the steps in preventing and controlling this Corona virus infection is the government implementing Social Distance. Social distance is a series of measures to control non-pharmaceutical infections intended to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. The purpose of social restrictions is to reduce the possibility of contact between infected people and other people who are not infected, so as to minimize transmission of disease, morbidity, and especially, death by encouraging healthy people to limit visits to crowded places and direct contact with others. When applying social distance, a person is not allowed to shake hands and keep a distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with others, especially with people who are sick or at high risk of suffering from COVID-19.
Social distance are most effective when infection can be transmitted through splash contact or droplets (coughing or sneezing); direct physical contact, including sexual contact; indirect physical contact (for example by touching a contaminated surface or transmission through the air. Losses from social restrictions can be in the form of loneliness, reduced productivity, and loss of other benefits associated with human interaction.
Some examples of social distance that are used to control the spread of the corona virus include work from home, work at home online for school students and students, postpone meetings or events attended by many people, such as conferences, seminars, and meetings, or do it online via video conferencing or teleconference, Not visiting people who are sick, but enough by telephone or video call.
Things that need to be prepared before undergoing social distance, namely planning activities, providing necessary medicines, meeting daily needs, preparing internet access, and awareness in maintaining cleanliness and carrying out Corona virus prevention efforts have a very large role in overcoming COVID outbreaks -19. Start implementing social distancing from now on to protect yourself, your family, and others.
