Hortatory Text Zahra Zakiyah
Online Game
by Zahra Zakiyah
Online Game is an electronic and visual based game that utilizes electronic visual media technology and is played on a network (both LAN and Internet). In contrast to traditional games that tend to rely on the strength of the muscles of the body, online games use more the brain's ability to think and the agility of the fingers in pressing the buttons on the regulating stick. Online games are only used for fun or pleasure, but if we have finished playing it, it will be dangerous and create many bad effects.
First,the eyes become sick and red, this effect can occur if we are overdoing it in playing online games without using protectors or glasses to protect our eyes. Moreover, the eyes can be injured and red due to radiation monitors or computers. So, people who play online games must use contact lenses or glasses to prevent eyelids.
Secondly,lazy, this esis the effect of fear that makes many parents worry about their children. If a child plays an online game and spends a lot of time playing it, it will keep him from doing other activities, he will forget to eat lunch, do homework and rest. Parents must limit their children from playing online games, so they can prevent their children from becoming lazy.
This can be fun if we can manage our time well and play just to refresh our minds and not make playing games a hobby. We should have some time to play and plenty of time to work or do something useful in our lives.
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