Hortatory Text Puji Akhiari

"Why Everyone Should Stay at Home"
By : Puji Akhiari
Coronaviruses is the biggest threatment in human today. Opinion of public about COVID-19 is not different with the death. Existance of COVID-19 cause many problem from many aspect in life. Phrase “Stay at Home”, wich declarate by goverment not without reason. This pharase applicable for everyone on the world. Especially for students.
First reason, the spread of COVID-19 is so fast. According information from WHO, while someone who has this disease breath or cough, them will spread this viruses through their body’s fluids. Other pepole who expose to this liquids will be has disease. In other words, this viruses spread with same way with flu. Second, Coronaviruses resistance so strongest although in inanimate objects. According research COVID-19 can be life in a week on inanimate objects. But, a number of them inactive at temperature 30°C. Last, Coronaviruses is very deadly. In few case human who contracted will be caused fatal and even dead. Now, there is no cure found and recommended by health authorities to prevent and treat this viruses.
It;s because goverment always remind to everyone to stay at home. So we should following the goverment’s advice to study from home, work form home, and stay at home. We also should keep our healthy with keep our cleanliness, maybe wash our hands regularly, and keep our environtment to prevent spread this viruses.
