Hortatory Text Imalatunil Khairah

by Imalatunil Khairah
    Corona virus is new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infacts, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Corona virus can cause disorders of respratory system, acute pneunomia until death.  
    Seeing the corona virus is endemic in various countries. So Indonesia people are encouraged to do social distancing. Sosial distancing is very important to combat the corona virus because the is curretly no vacane found. You must make every effort to keep as much physical distance from each other as possible. Social distancing is carried out for 14 days because this virus has an incubation time of 14 days. The best sosial distancing is to always saty at home. When many people do their activities at home, the transmission rate can be reduced ang even stopped.
   You dont need to worry about staying at home because you can keep doing your normal activities. All activities are carried out at home such as school from home, work from home, sport from home, and worship is done at home. So that, we can reduce and stop the spread of the corona virus.   
