
Showing posts from April, 2020

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Fiola Putri Elisya

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Fiola Putri Elisya    Corona is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia.           There are several things we should do to prevent the transmission of the virus. WHO recommends preventing infections and slowing the transmission of Covid-19, as follows: Firstly, wash your hands regularly with a soap and running water, or wipe with an alcohol-based swipe. Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter between you and the person who is coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your face. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing o...

Hortatory Text M. Zhafran Maulana

Game Online by M. Zhafran Maulana Games online is a type of games that uses internet networks. Game online is very popular. Fom children teen and adults love to play it. Game online now also have various competitions. So make more people are interested to playing it. Game online is just for fun and pleasure, but if we are over in playing it, it will be making many bad effects. Game online can make someone addicted.  Someone who is addicted to playing game online will be no care about the condition around he or she. He or she will forget to have lunch do homework and take a rest.  And also can cause anti-social. Secondly, the problem of radiation. Radio radiation that was sent and received by mobile phones can spread in all directions, including our body. If we are too often exposed to radiation from mobile phones due to addiction to online games it will bring many bad effects to our body. For example damage the nerve cells in the brain and disorders of the eyes. To preven...

Hortatory Text Delfi Nofianti Putri

Game Online by Delfi Nofianti Putri Game online is one of the most factor to make teenagers or children go to the online store. Many teenagers come to games online for many hours. Waste the time just to play game online. Firstly ,  the children just spend their money because addict of game online. They come to go online store every day for pay in the rent. They even dont use their money for buying some food at school. Secondly ,  the waste of payment , sometime the Children don't have money. but they want to go to game online. So they often steal their parents money. It's including of crime. F inally ,  the problem of radiation. If we often use computer, too many radiation be accepted by our. And it causes being stupid Therefore parents should watch their children while using computer. And don't often allow the children go to online store.

Hortatory Text Aulia Febby Zhafira

The Influence Of the Tiktok Application by Aulia Febby Zhafira       In age of increasingly sophisticated technology and growing information everything can be solved easily. One application an social media that is popular among children,adolescents and even adult is tiktok. Tiktok is application made in China that contains music videos and photos.       The tiktok application carries a very big influence among them: first, tiktok is one of the applications that can ancourage one ’ s creativity in making a work. Second, this application can also be able to train themselve teenagers or children to editing video,skill, and create useful content.       Beside that, the negative impact,i.e : first,  indirectly tiktok becomes the cause of a generation of teenagers who like to sway inappropriate and excessive.Second, teenagers sometimes abuse this application,so many videos are not worth wat...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Diky Wahyudi

How to Protect Your Family and Yourself From Corona Virus by Diky Wahyudi Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow). The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol ...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by M. Habibi Husni

How to Protect Your Family and Yourself From Corona Virus by M. Habibi Husni COVID-19 or coronavirus is no doubt a dangerous virus. This virus can attack our respiration system. This system is crucial to our life and if it is damaged, it may give a long life disease or even death. At 1st April 2020, this virus has caused over 877,573 cases and 43,569 of it is death cases. These numbers are huge and increasing exponentially because of how easy this virus spread, which is spread by droplets from cough or sneeze. In this pandemic season, it’s important to protect yourselves and your family. There are some ways to do it. First, do self social distancing. Social distancing means reducing your social interaction. This can be done by keeping yourself and your family inside the house. Only go out when it’s really necessary, such as buying groceries and going to the hospital. Second, wash your hand frequently. This virus can stay on solid surfaces for up to several days. You may not ...

Hortatory Text M. Habibi Husni

The Danger of Coronavirus by M. Habibi Husni COVID-19 or often called coronavirus has been a serious problem in these few months. This virus has caused 43,569 death cases, which is not a small number. But most people still don’t know how dangerous this virus is. This ignorance is also a big factor in how fast this virus spread. Because of this, it’s important to know what is the danger of coronavirus. First, this virus attacks our respiratory system. This virus first infects a few of our lung cells. When the immune cells start to come, this virus starts to infect our immune cells and make them attack everything including healthy lung cells. This makes our lungs damaged very fast. The respiratory system is very crucial to us, and when it gets damaged, it can cause serious disease and even death. Second, it’s victims are mainly elderly people and people who are in serious underlying health conditions. This is because their immune system is not strong enough to fight viruses. W...

Hortatory Text Diky Wahyudi

The Negative Effects of Too Much Playing Online Games by Diky Wahyudi Online game is a game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available. Online games are available in modern gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first-person shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. There are many negative effects of too much playing the online game. In this modern era with the highly sophisticated technologies, people especially children extremely like playing the online games. They can play the game through i-pad, computer, smartphone and many other technologies by connecting the game to the internet Too much playing online games has negative impacts for the player. People will addicted to play online game and never stop until they get what they want and  ma...

Hortatory Text Anisa Dwi Putri

The Effect of Online Games toward Childrens and Teenagers by Anisa Dwi Putri Game online is a video game that is either partially or primarily played trough the internet or any other cumputer network available.Game online is the popular game that many childrens or teenagers like that.Game online is just use for fun,but childrens and teenagers over when playing it. They come to game online for many hours and forget about their environments and forgot their homeworks. firstly,teenagers or childrens can addicted to game online.Kids with online gaming addiction will experience a front-brainwave decline that has a vital role to regulatete emosional control and agresiveness.The result is a mood swings,such as irritability and difficulties with family members. secondly,the decline in brainwave activity is an ongoing long term effect. The decompression waves in the brain can make impairment in both sort and long periods.The affected by online gaming addiction can cause a decline in learnin...

Hortatory Text Rafi Aneflin Adha

CORONA by Rafi Aneflin Adha At the beginning at 2020 the world had a global problem, namely the corona virus or covid -19. Covid -19 is a contagious disease caused by a new virus that has not been identified before human. This virus originates from chinese wuhan. This virus outbreak has attacked many countries including Indonesia. There were 593.656 cases related to this corona virus with 132.526 recovering and 27215 dead. In Indonesia there have been 1046 cases with 87 recovering and 46 dead. This virus can transmitted through the air media, making it easier for the virus to spread. This virus attacks the respiratory system in humans with incubation period for 14 days. There are some symtoms if we are exposed to this virus such as sore throat, cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. If in the incubation period we have symtoms like this, we are expected to check the state of our body in hospital. In handling this virus the Indonesian government has made a number of policies...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Fatma Yulia Putri

PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR SELF FROM CORONA VIRUS  by Fatma Yulia Putri How to protect yourself and other? You can see the google and ask to doctor. Now I explain how about protect yourself and others people... Wash Your Hands The first way is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Especially if you are after being in a public place or after closing your mouth and nose after coughing clean. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If there is no soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Rub on all surfaces of the hands and rub evenly to dry. Avoid touching the nose, mouth and eyes with hands that have not been washed thoroughly. Avoid Close Contact Avoid close contact with sick people. Leave a distance between you and the person who is sick if Covid-19 spreads around you. This is very important to do to prevent transmission of the virus. Especially for people who are at high risk for severe illness. Stay at ho...

Hortatory Text Fatma Yulia Putri

Impact of Online Games on Children's Behavior    by Fatma Yulia Putri lately, online gaming has become a very big business. Companies that produce online games have made them grow rapidly because they have so many users. Unfortunately, they don't care whether they are adults or children, as long as they can make a profit from it. They also do not realize their products have a negative impact on young users such as children and adolescents. Online games often show acts of violence. Some of the acts of violence are: shooting other players, stabbing with knives, hitting other characters with baseball bats, crashing and running over several other players using cars and much more. The children who played this really enjoyed the activity, they even laughed while doing it because they thought it was a game. They don't realize it affects their behavior. We can see through the news on TV that there are underage children who commit acts of violence against their own friends an...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Tilza Novia

Corona Virus by Tilza Novia Corona virus was reportedly detected in Wuhan City, China. Chinese scientists say that the virus has similarities with SARS and MERS which can be deadly as a result. Corona virus must be treated seriously. The government already given holidays to colloge students and workes to study and work from home. The people need to understand that the Corona virus in no joke . It has taken a number of lives already and it still is infecting many people. The covid 19 is a flu like disease which spreads quickly and has pneuomonia like symtoms. There are drugs already made but the vaccines haven’t been found yet. Avigan and chloroquin are the drugs but they haven’t been long tested because of dire situasion. Therefore to prevent this diseare WHO recommends a series of steps such as people need to wash their hand, wear mask, and just keep clean because young people are often fine and don’t show symtoms but they can infect older people and disease is criticak fo...

Hortatory Text Tilza Novia

Game Online by Tilza Novia Online gaming is one form of the times enthusiasts come from various backgrounds. Online games are now easier to find and many kinds of it so that many people who love it. Especially now  that many internet cafes that provide online games at low prices make online game enthusiaats continue to rise until now. Playing online games has many negatife impacts especially for teenagers.  The first impact is a decrease in learning concentration. Students who are addicted to online  games will surely forget about time so they don’t have time to learn, they just focus on thinking about ways to finish their games without caring about the school.   The second is eye damage. Staring at the screen of a smartphone or computer for a long time will make the eyes easily tired, redness can even cause farsightedness with a headache. Then, the impact of online games for students is wastefull. Everything that is online certainly does not escape...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Aziz Alqadri Setiawan

How to protect our self and family from corona virus by Aziz Alqadri Setiawan Corona virus is a virus that is becoming a trending topic in the world today. This virus can take a person's life. So that this virus is feared by all groups of children and adults. Here are some tips on preventing corona. First, start to maintain a physical distance from others, at least 6 feet or 2 meters. Begin to learn not to touch your face too often. In addition, wash your hands using running water and soap more often. Try traveling using public transportation outside rush hour. So you can minimize yourself to touch each other. Also avoid direct contact with the surface of public facilities that are in the vehicle. Second, when traveling long distances, whether using aircraft or other public transport, make sure you check or monitor the progress of COVID-19 status at the destination. In crowded areas such as airports, stations, or terminals, try to keep a distance of about 2 meters from...

Hortatory Text Aziz Alqadri Setiawan

Corona by Aziz Alqadri Setiawan Coronaviruses  are a group of related  viruses  that cause diseases in  mammals  and  birds  .   In humans, coronaviruses cause  respiratory tract infections  that can be mild, such as some cases of the  common cold  (among other possible causes, predominantly  rhinoviruses  ), and others that can be lethal, such as  SARS  ,  MERS  , and  COVID-19 . First,   the symptoms of the corona virus are very similar to colds, so it’s very important to know what exactly looks and feels like the corona virus so you don’t panic with every sneeze or cough.Symptoms currently reported for patients with COVID-19 include mild to severe respiratory illness, fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.   Second,   transmission can occur because of Contact with objects that are often touched, not maintaining hand hygiene, not maintaining hygiene after tra...

Hortatory Text Annisa Nurul Aini

Tiktok Application Worldwide  by Annisa Nurul Aini     Tik ​​tok is one of the many applications that are very popular and much-loved. The tik tok application is not only popular with teenagers, but also favored by adults. Almost all ages like this application. With this application people can pour out their creativity. However, is it important to know the adverse effects caused by this application? The answer is of course "yes" and it must be done by all users and those who do not use this application.     Recently there was an article that said if the frequency of playing tik tok can cause mental disorders. In addition, the negative effects caused such as wasting time, directing someone to do acts of bullying and abuse, directing the personality to be anti-social, acute insomnia, and can be life threatening.     Considering some of the facts mentioned above, we can prevent it by doing tips like the following: 1. Reducing t...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Maisaroh Thamrin

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona  Virus by Maisaroh Thamrin Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virusbthat attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by virus infection is called COVID-19. Corona virusn can cause disorders of the the respiratory system, acute peneumonia, until death. This virus virus can affect anyone, botj infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant woman, amd nursing mother. Covid-19 is firstdiscovered in wuhan city, china, at the end of December 2019. The virus is contagiously and has spread to otjer areas in china amd to several countries, including Indonesia. Many people are worried about the impact of the corona virus on their family. This virus can be a deadly virus if the person attacked doesnot have a healthy body. To protect our body from this virus, first think about how the virus is spread. Corona virus is spread in sneeze a cough droplets. To infect someone, it has t...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Imalatunil Khairah

THE WAY MY FAMILY AND I PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM THE CORONA VIRUS by Imalatunil Khairah Corona virus has attacked thousands of people in various countries and claimed hundreds of lives. Until now, there has been no treatment that can cure Corona virus infection. In order not to get infected by this infectious disease, here are some ways that my family and I to prevent transmission of the Corona virus. First  do normal activities at home with the online method. For children to learn from home and for parents to work from home. Besides that, we also do sports at home. This is intended to reduce and keep away from the crowd.  Second  use a mask if you leave the house in an urgent situation. Third wash your hands after your activities outside the house with soap and clean water. Fourth  Maintain the cleanliness of objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness. Fifth apply social distancing and physical distancing. Lastly  looking for informati...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Ivo Tri Septiana

How to protect my family and myself from the corona virus by Ivo Tri Septiana   Now the world is very shocked by the virus originating from wuhan, china.This virus is very deadly and spread very quickly. This certainly makes everyone become anxious and worried. new information, has died 8 doctors in Indonesia because of the corona virus, that's certainly really made us sad. For that, how to protect my family and me from the Corona virus is:   First, pray to Allah swt, ask for protection, health and keep away from distress,   Second, wear a mask when traveling out of the house, Third, wash your hands with soap that is good and right, after traveling out, wash your hands   Fourth, maintain health and increase immunity by exercising and eating healthy foods. So take care of your health, our government has made a rule, for a while Indonesian citizens must apply social distance and physical distance

Hortatory Text by Fiola Putri Elisya

The Impact Of Tiktok Application On Children by Fiola Putri Elisya     Lately,the tiktok application has become a very big business for the owner of the tiktok company. So many users use this application as a media pastime. Users of this application consist of various groups, namely children, adolescents, and even adults using this application. But for children and teenager , their still need to be supervised in using this application.    Content that is not suitable for underage users, such as video contain sexual activity, clothes that are not polite, and there are still many content that is not in accordance with our norms and customs.     If this left unchecked, it will affect the mindset of children and adolescents who are still unstable to imitate it. We can see in various media that many teenagers who exceed the limits in the association.     on the whole, our role as a parents or even as an adults is to always supervise ...

Hortatory Text by Mufidah Rona

Game Online by Mufidah Rona  Online games are a popular thing to hear among the public. This has become a hobby among adults, adolescents, and even children .Online games include games that allow a player not to have to face to face with other players. Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms, including PCs,consoles and mobile devices. There are many negative effects of too much playing the online game. Firstly, an acute addiction to online games causes a person to forget himself, so that it can cause deterioration in health and the emergence of certain diseases. Sitting for hours can actually pose a danger to health. Studies that have been conducted abroad reveal that sitting too long (more than 6 hours every day) can cause various metabolic disorders that trigger illness such as kidney disorders, diabetes, and can also cause heart disease. Secondly, children often lie to their parents. For example, he permission to say goodbye to go to s...

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Khazanatul Iqbal

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona  Virus by Khazanatul Iqbal   Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia). This virus first came from China which resulted in thousands of people being infected by this virus, and with a very fast time the virus was able to spread to the hemisphere and resulted in many people who have been infected by this virus and many died. In Indonesia itself has more than 1000 people are infected by this virus. Therefore we must always be vigilant of this virus so that we are not infected. Here are a few steps to avoid the corona virus: 1. Social distancing  First, start to maintain physical distance from other people, at least 6 feet or 2 meters.  2. Wash Hands and Don't Touch the Face  Begin to learn no...

Hortatory Text Khazanatul Iqbal

Game Online by Khazanatul Iqbal Online game is a game that uses internet access to play it. Many people who play online games when they feel bored and to fill their free time, the frequency of playing online games will result in addiction for people who play them.  First, when they feel bored or bored, they fill up time by playing, because they feel this online game can relieve stress, boredom, and so on.  Second, because of addiction or dependency and become a habit, they can not be separated from the online game.  Third, because online gaming has become their job, from the survey results there are some people who make money through online games.  Therefore, for online game players, playing games must know the time. And for children, must be watched and seen by parents, not to play games too often. And parents must tell their children  the dangers of playing games  online continuously.

How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Jihan Hasanah Arzi

How to protect your family and yourself from Corona virus by Jihan Hasanah Arzi Covid-19 is a disease caused by a new corona virus infection or SARS-CoV-2 from the corona family. However, the type of virus that spreads this time has never existed before. Then, as with other types of corona virus infections, the new corona virus is transmitted to humans through animals. This corona virus is very dangerous for the human body, this virus has no medicine to cute victims of this corona virus. This virus can be transmitted from animals and humans. This causes everyone to worry and be afraid of contracting this virus. The characteristics of people affected by this virus are coughing, sneezing, flu, and shortness of breath. Symptoms such as fever usually, but this virus has claimed the death toll in every country in the world. One way to not contract the corona virus is that me and my family maintain a healthy body, increase the body’s imumunity with nutritious food, maintain a hea...

Hortatory Text Jihan Hasanah Arzi

TIKTOK   by Jihan Hasanah Arzi The times and technology have created various types of access or applications that can be used by many people to help or entertain people. This situation has had a big impact on people’s lives. One of them is using the tiktok application. The tiktok application is an application that produces videos and can also see videos of other people from various countries, regions, religions, ethnicities, and so on. So that this can cause deviations of norms that apply in everyday life, for example religious and cultural norms. The tiktok application is very easy to use by everyone. In the tiktok application we can make videos of dancing, challenges, prank, showing off wealth, showing of life, showing off dating and many more videos that are included by this music. This application is the same as social media which is, it can spread anywhere. Therefore this tiktok application can reduce the cultural values and customary norms that apply, because we ...

Hortatory Text Muhammad Sadam

Why We Must Say 'No' to Drugs by Muhammad Sadam Drugs are dangerous medicine. Drugs make our bodies abnormal, e.g., make our bodies work harder, etc. Drugs make circulation in our body works too hard or too slow. And it's not good for our body Drugs can harm organs in our body. Drugs can cause hallucinogenic effects that harm our nerves and if the user does not use drugs, the user will be depressed And we can know many things, for example, drugs not good for our body and we should not use drugs.