How To Protect My Family and My Self From Corona Virus by Tilza Novia
Corona Virus
by Tilza Novia
Corona virus was reportedly detected in Wuhan City, China. Chinese scientists say that the virus has similarities with SARS and MERS which can be deadly as a result. Corona virus must be treated seriously. The government already given holidays to colloge students and workes to study and work
from home.
The people need to understand that the Corona virus in no joke . It has taken a number of lives already and it still is infecting many people. The covid 19 is a flu like disease which spreads quickly and has pneuomonia like symtoms.
There are drugs already made but the vaccines haven’t been found yet. Avigan and chloroquin are the drugs but they haven’t been long tested because of dire situasion.
Therefore to prevent this diseare WHO recommends a series of steps such as people need to wash their hand, wear mask, and just keep clean because young people are often fine and don’t show symtoms but they can infect older people and disease is criticak for people above the age of 40.
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