Hortatory Text Annisa Nurul Aini
Tiktok Application Worldwide
by Annisa Nurul Aini
Tik tok is one of the many applications that are very popular and much-loved. The tik tok application is not only popular with teenagers, but also favored by adults. Almost all ages like this application. With this application people can pour out their creativity. However, is it important to know the adverse effects caused by this application? The answer is of course "yes" and it must be done by all users and those who do not use this application.
Recently there was an article that said if the frequency of playing tik tok can cause mental disorders. In addition, the negative effects caused such as wasting time, directing someone to do acts of bullying and abuse, directing the personality to be anti-social, acute insomnia, and can be life threatening.
Considering some of the facts mentioned above, we can prevent it by doing tips like the following:
1. Reducing the time to play tik tock
2. Looking for a healthy new hobby
3. Increasing socialization with friends or with family.
4. Increase the number of positive activities
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