Hortatory Text Rafi Aneflin Adha

by Rafi Aneflin Adha
At the beginning at 2020 the world had a global problem, namely the corona virus or covid -19. Covid -19 is a contagious disease caused by a new virus that has not been identified before human. This virus originates from chinese wuhan. This virus outbreak has attacked many countries including Indonesia. There were 593.656 cases related to this corona virus with 132.526 recovering and 27215 dead. In Indonesia there have been 1046 cases with 87 recovering and 46 dead. This virus can transmitted through the air media, making it easier for the virus to spread.
This virus attacks the respiratory system in humans with incubation period for 14 days. There are some symtoms if we are exposed to this virus such as sore throat, cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. If in the incubation period we have symtoms like this, we are expected to check the state of our body in hospital.
In handling this virus the Indonesian government has made a number of policies such as people to stay at home and move in the house, then also conduct  life social distancing. But there are still many people who roam outside the home so that the spread. At this virus is accelareting people ahould be able to work from home in these conditioning and student continue to learn from home. Reducing activities outside the home can prevent corona virus and also reduce the spread of this virus.
